GeoPoll Reports

The DRC Media Audience Landscape Survey

Unmatched insights from the largest media landscape survey ever conducted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

- Face-to-face in-home interviews with over 23,000 Congolese residents across all 145 territories*

- Conducted over four waves from January to December 2023, by a team of 499 interviewers using the GeoPoll Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) interviewer application

- Interviews were GPS tagged & other details such as response patterns & time taken between questions were remotely tracked as quality control mechanisms

Data Points: Demographics

All demographics available as dashboard filters for targeted analysis & planning

Province (ADM1) & Territory (ADM2)

Population density (Urban/rural)

Age of respondent

Gender of respondent

Respondent’s education level

Respondent’s occupation

Socio-Economic Development Index (SEDI) of the Territory

Land usage in Territory (residential/ commercial/crops/mining etc.)

Number of children in household

Current & predicted climate data up to 2050

Respondent’s preferred language

Data Points: Television

Media audience ratings based on next day recall, with additional profiling based on viewing behaviour & content preferences

Data Points: Radio

Media audience ratings based on next day recall, with additional profiling based on listening behaviour & content preferences.

Data Points: Digital, Print & Out of Home

Time spent online yesterday

Time spent reading a newspaper or magazine yesterday

Types of outdoor advertising seen yesterday

Reason/s for going online yesterday

Paper, online or app newspaper/ magazine version/s used yesterday

Brands recalled from outdoor advertising seen yesterday

Social media app/platform used yesterday

Newspaper & magazine title/s read yesterday

Topics read about in newspapers/ magazines yesterday

Attention Landscape Analytics

Explore the interactions between media platforms as multiple media touchpoints compete for audience attention

Screen stacking

Does the radio or television programming have the audience’s undivided attention?

Viral potential

How likely is the audience to share the content via word of mouth or social media?

Access via a Secure Dashboard

The report is available as an interactive data dashboard with ten built-in demographic & behavioural filters, plus full crosstab functionality between all data points and the capability to export results to Excel, Powerpoint etc.

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