Democracy & Governance Research

Reach citizens in remote areas and conflict zones through GeoPoll's remote research methodologies

Conduct Democracy & Governance Research

democracy governance dataRemote mobile surveys allow democratic institutions to reach citizens in remote areas or conflict zones, monitor municipal services, and track public sentiment and perceptions. The granular data collected through mobile-phone-based methods can be utilized for emergency assessments, ongoing monitoring, and one-off analyses of specific geographic locations or populations.

Democracy and Governance Use Cases

Measure Citizen Perceptions of Local Service Delivery

Measure levels of citizen satisfaction with national, regional, or local services, including health, infrastructure, agriculture, and water.

Monitor Municipal Services

Collect community feedback on public service performance, including outages, infrastructure, and resource usage.

Promote Transparency in Public Financial Management

Survey government stakeholders to measure corruption perceptions and ensure proper fund utilization.

Support Domestic Resource Mobilization

Provide real-time data to NGOs and government partners for addressing local challenges in revenue, expenditure, and public-private dialogue.

Policy Evaluation and Impact Assessment

Data allows for the evaluation and assessment of policies and their impact on the citizens.

GeoPoll Advantages

How GeoPoll’s mobile-based methodologies can help you gather vital data across the globe


The GeoPoll platform uses automated and manual quality control checks to ensure data accuracy and integrity even at scale.

Speed at Scale

Our technology, team, and network of vetted in-country partners enable us to collect and process data faster than anyone else.


We provide our clients with access to real time raw data in an easy-to-use format to ensure collection is on track and to expedite analysis.


Our technology offers multi-modes and is developed in-house to meet the individual needs of our clients on time and within budget.

Meaningful Data

With staff based in the regions where we operate, our projects are grounded in local context and expertise in survey methodology.

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