
As part of Kantar-GeoPoll Media Measurement‘s daily surveys on audience habits for TV, radio, and print, GeoPoll is pleased to release this report on top TV and radio stations in Uganda, popular viewing times, and more for Q1, 2016. To learn more about KGMM, see a demo of the system, and sign up for an account please contact us.

Top TV Stations

NTV was the top TV station in Uganda in Q1 2016, with an average rating of 5.6. This is slightly lower than their average rating of 6.0 in Q4 2015. Bukedde remained the number 2 station, and improved upon their rating from Q4 2015 by 0.1. NBS stayed in the top 3 but also went down in ratings, from 2.3 in Q4 2015 to 1.9 in Q1 2016. UBC, Urban, Bukkede1, and WBS are also top stations nationally.  You can see the full comparison of ratings from Q4 2015 and Q1 2016 in the chart below:


Top Radio Stations

KGMM also measures radio listenership in Uganda. As in other countries, radio listenership in Uganda is fragmented nationally due to the prevalence of local radio station.   Nationally, In Q1 2016 we found that Capital FM and CBS Radio are the top stations, followed by Radio Simba, Galaxy FM, and NBS FM. Ratings did not change much from Q4 2015 to Q1 2016, demonstrating the predictable nature of radio listenership. See the list of top national radio stations below:


Due to the local nature of radio stations, in Q1 2016 even the leading station, Capital FM, only had on average 10% of the audience share, with 51% of radio audiences listening to “other” local stations.  For a more detailed view of listenership that includes data on local radio listenership, contact us to learn more about Kantar GeoPoll Media Measurement.

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