
Using the daily data collected through GeoPoll’s Media Measurement Service, GeoPoll has analyzed the top TV stations in Kenya for Q2, April 1st – June 30th. We examined both ratings* and share** for the top stations in Kenya. The below chart shows the average ratings for the top stations in Kenya during prime time, from 19:00 (7pm) to 22:00.


Citizen had the highest tv ratings during Q2 in prime time. Citizen maintains sustained high ratings during this time while KTN and NTV experience smaller peaks when they air the news at 19:00 and 21:00, with KTN experiencing a higher peak at 19:00pm.

QTV and K24 also experience peaks during prime time, with QTV only overtaking K24 in ratings between 2000h and 2030h, when QTV’s main news of the day airs.

On Sundays, NTV’s “Churchill show” garnered higher ratings for the station between 2000h and 2030h, as demonstrated in the chart below. This finding reiterates what we found in November when we examined the popularity of the Churchill Show.


GeoPoll also examined average share** from April to June 2015. GeoPoll found that Citizen maintained the highest share in Q2, capturing on average 38.84% of the audience. KTN and NTV rank second and third respectively.  K24 and KBC, who had gained some share due to the analog to digital switchover in Kenya and the resulting switch-off of several channels including Citizen, have lost the share they gained during the Q1, and had a share of 8.96% and 7.09% respectively in Q2. Full results are below:


For comparison, below is the share we observed for Q1.  During Q1, KBC and K24 had a higher share than in Q2, due partly to the temporary shut off of NTV, KTN, Citizen and QTV.


For more insights from GeoPoll’s Media Measurement Service, keep checking the GeoPoll blog, or contact us to subscribe to our daily media data. 

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 is the proportion watching a station out of the total sample at that time, multiplied by 100. If 50 people out of 500 surveyed watched Station X, the rating for Station X would be (50/500)*100) = 10. In Uganda, GeoPoll’s Media Measurement Panel includes a sample of over 500 respondents for every time period. 

**Share is the proportion watching Station X, out of all those watching at that time. This is equal to the proportion watching a station during a given time divided by the total number watching at that time.