
Since 2011 GeoPoll has been conducting mobile surveys in emerging markets on topics ranging from food security to mobile phone usage: in 2015 alone we sent over 90 million surveys to our 200 million+ users in Africa and Asia.  We’re excited to announce the newest product in the GeoPoll lineup, which will make conducting research in Africa even easier for anyone, from university students to NGOs and commercial organizations who need data from Africa quickly. GeoPoll On Demand is an online portal that allows you to select a sample, write survey questions, and get data back in just one day.  Keep reading to find out more about GeoPoll On Demand and how you can utilize it for your research in Africa.

How does it work?

GeoPoll On Demand lets you select a sample, targeted by age, gender, and location, write survey questions, and send your survey all through one, easy-to-use online platform. GeoPoll On Demand supports many question types and survey routing.  You can write as many questions as you like, although we recommend under 15 questions per survey.  Surveys are sent by SMS and are completely free to the respondent, which ensures any phone can receive our messages, even if it isn’t connected to the internet, is turned off, or doesn’t have any airtime credit.

Once you submit your survey, the GeoPoll team reviews your questions and may suggest edits to optimize your survey for mobile respondents. We then schedule and send the survey to your selected sample. As results come in, you can see them in real-time in your GeoPoll dashboard, and once we’ve reached your desired sample size we’ll send you an email. Results are automatically loaded into your GeoPoll account as both an interactive dashboard, and a raw data file for download.


How can I use it? 

Check out our case studies page to see how others have already used GeoPoll to collect robust data in Africa, on topics ranging from food security to identifying the top brands in the region. Here are some of the ways anyone can use GeoPoll On Demand:

  • Nationally representative ad-hoc surveys
  • Custom surveys targeted to respondents by age, gender, or location
  • Needs assessment surveys
  • Brand perception surveys
  • Monitoring & Evaluation
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What does it cost? 
GeoPoll On Demand pricing starts at just $3.00 per completed survey: cost varies based on the number of questions you’re asking and the sample size. You can fill out the form below to calculate the exact pricing of your survey project, and get a discount code for an extra 10% off.

What countries does GeoPoll On Demand work in?
GeoPoll On Demand is currently live in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa and will be launching in additional countries in the coming months. If you’re looking for research from other countries, GeoPoll Enterprise is live in 20+ countries in Africa and Asia.

More questions?
Feel free to contact us with questions and a GeoPoll representative will get back to you shortly.

How do I get started?
Click below to sign up for a free account and we’ll send you a promo code to get 10% off your first survey!
