
At GeoPoll, we are proud to have partnered with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Browning Environmental Communications, and the University of Oxford to conduct the 2024 Peoples’ Climate Vote – the world’s largest standalone public opinion survey on climate change. This year’s survey reached an unprecedented scale, covering 77 countries and representing 87 percent of the global population.

About the 2024 Peoples’ Climate Vote

Launched in 2021, the Peoples’ Climate Vote allows people to voice their concerns about climate change to world leaders. The 2024 edition is the largest to date, featuring 15 questions designed to capture the impact of climate change on daily lives, perceptions of its handling, and desired actions from leaders. This year’s survey expanded to regions previously unrepresented, making its findings even more significant.

people climate vote countries

Download the full report from the UNDP website or interact with the findings on the People’s Climate Vote website.


Conducting a survey of this magnitude required an innovative approach. GeoPoll utilized Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) to reach diverse populations globally. The standardized CATI approach ensured consistency and accuracy, offering several advantages:

  • CATI Standardization: Using CATI exclusively allowed us to maintain high standards across all regions. Interviewers were trained to follow a consistent protocol, ensuring uniform data collection and comparable results across countries. This method enabled interviewers to clarify questions, probe for detailed responses, and address any misunderstandings in real-time. The GeoPoll CATI platform also has various automated and manual quality checks to ensure that all the data was accurately captured.
  • Sampling and Reach: Stratified sampling and quota management for representation across demographics and regions. Coupled with broad coverage of various demographic groups and data weighting, this ensured the survey accurately reflected each country’s population.
  • Language Diversity: To ensure inclusivity and accuracy, the survey was administered in 87 languages using accurately translated questionnaires and the GeoPoll Application’s multilingual features.
  • High-Volume Data Collection: The data collection process involved making 1.9 million calls, resulting in 73,765 completed interviews. Our platform had to be customized to handle this large volume of data within a short time efficiently, demonstrating our built-in platform’s flexibility to accommodate any volume of data requirements. We made 1.9 million calls, resulting in 73,765 completed interviews, demonstrating our platform’s flexibility.

The CATI methodology was integral to ensuring that the 2024 Peoples’ Climate Vote was able to gather in-depth, accurate data from respondents around the world and capture the sentiments of all demographics irrespective of internet connectivity, literacy levels, and other impediments.

Overcoming Challenges

Executing a survey of this magnitude presented several challenges that were addressed with innovative solutions:

  • Random Digit Dialing (RDD): To reach a wide and representative sample, we utilized RDD which involved using existing databases and layering additional randomization techniques to ensure broad coverage .
  • Quota Management: Ensuring demographic representation required meticulous quota management. We closely monitored quotas for various demographic groups, adjusting our sampling strategies in real-time to fill gaps and avoid over-representation. This approach was particularly important in countries with diverse and dispersed populations .
  • Handling Non-Response and Incomplete Data: We employed sophisticated weighting techniques to align the data with known population characteristics such as age, gender, and educational attainment to address non-response issues.
  • Response Rate Management: We achieved a 6.8 percent response rate, from over over 1.9 million calls using call-back scheduling and localized call center support. For hard-to-reach groups, we used a within-household selection from an RDD call, asking the person called to pass the phone to the required group at that household if present.
  • Translation Quality: Ensuring the accuracy and equivalence of survey questions across different languages and cultures was crucial. We implemented a double translation process with reconciliation, followed by multiple layers of review, to maintain the integrity and clarity of the questions across all 87 languages used in the survey.

The Bottom-line

The successful execution of the 2024 Peoples’ Climate Vote is a testament to GeoPoll’s expertise in large-scale survey administration. Our ability to innovate and adapt in challenging environments showcases our commitment to delivering accurate and meaningful data.

GeoPoll is immensely proud to have played a central and influential role in such a project that has set a benchmark for public opinion surveys on climate change. Capturing a comprehensive and accurate account of global attitudes towards climate change is a big step towards empowering world leaders and populations with important insights required to effectively address one of the most critical issues of our time. We believe the survey will be instrumental in raising awareness, driving informed policymaking, and ultimately contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and secure a better future for our planet.

For more detailed insights and full methodology, you can access the full report here.